Sex fantasies, what do the ladies say ? Our Top 5

Published on 23.04.2020 12:32

We often think we are holy. No dirty thoughts at the back of your mind? Sometimes we can't control what goes on deep inside us. Not consciously! Because when it comes to arousal, orgasms and sexual fantasies, the human brain is far from the intellectual stronghold we usually like to think it is.

Our mysterious sex fantasies are not normal. In a way, they even have something healing about them because they allow us to live out desires that we usually don't dare to express in real life. We can only indulge our deepest desires when we are in a place that is safe for us... in our heads!!! Secret sex fantasies show us what we don't dare to do in real life. According to some sex therapists, telling each other your own secret sex fantasies is often said to stimulate excitement and mutual desire in long-term relationships. In addition to mutual arousal, it can also help you to open up more. Of course, some thoughts can or should also be kept secret and acted out alone. Whether with a dildo, penis, strap-on, alone, in pairs or in threesomes: we want to live out our sexual fantasies. We took the plunge and found out the following for you. 10 women, who wish to remain anonymous, told us about their most intimate erotic thoughts:

1."I was warm and I was wet"
I often dream at night and wake up wet. I had a nice dream the other day because it was so different. It was a lady. She was pressing her plump body against mine. We were splinters naked and she was stimulating my clitoris with her fingers. My body was completely covered by her. When I woke up, I really felt like I'd had sex. My body was so warm and my vagina was as hot as if the sun had been shining on it for hours. I was incredibly hot. And I was really, really wet.

2."My breath hitched, he pressed his fingers into my arm"
We travel a lot and stay overnight and in hotels because of the away games. A recurring fantasy is to sleep in a room with my coach. The attraction is that I'm the chosen one and that turns me on incredibly. It turns me on that he thinks I'm mature enough. That I'm the chosen one who gets to share a room with him. - That's kind of sexy and makes it really exciting and appealing. The sex is then secondary, it feels like I'm breathless when he presses his fingers against my arm. We melt together in bed, our legs crossed and tangled in the sheets. Getting my trainer round feels like I've achieved something in life. Besides, it was really hot, maybe that had something to do with it!

3."Hot air flowed through the windows and our bodies melted together"
We drive through the town where he grew up in a big car. As we travelled through the streets, he told me about the old memories he had had here. I listened and watched him attentively. The look on his face showed me that he was seeing something else in front of his eyes. He turned to me as we sat in the car. I felt somehow caught out. "What is it?" he asked me and I smiled hesitantly. "What?" I replied, blushing slightly. His eyes started to sparkle. "What do you think?" I recognise that expression and looked deep into his eyes. I felt embarrassed and lowered my gaze towards the floor again. My face filled with red again. He put his hand on my leg. I pushed it away and looked deep into his eyes again. He looked confused. I took my right hand and undid his belt buckle. He exhaled loudly. He pressed his lips together and hid them behind a smile. I bent over his thigh. At that moment, we pulled off the main road. However, he quickly managed to grab the steering wheel and get the car back under control. He was able to hold out for a few more seconds until he steered the car onto the hard shoulder and switched off the engine. Shortly afterwards, I jumped onto his naked lap. This man who acts so big and strong is suddenly controllable and vulnerable. Hot air streamed through the windows and it got hotter and hotter in the car. Our bodies were sticky, but we didn't care. We got into the back seat of his car and melted into each other. I rode him until the sky went black. Hours passed. After a few hours, we left each other again, but stayed together and looked at the sky. When the sun came up, he pressed his upper body against me again from behind and the sex started all over again.

4."My best friend and I were invitedto dinner with a couple of friends"
I keep imagining what it would be like to be invited to dinner with my best friend by a couple of friends. I imagine it like this... after dinner - we've emptied a few bottles and are still sitting in our living room. Suddenly, the host picks up a bottle and suggests we play "spin the bottle". We spin the bottle and she ends up pointing at me. I'm supposed to kiss my best friend and we go until it gets uncomfortable for one of us. But there's no stopping for us. We go so far that we end up having sex on the couch

5. "How can you not find two hot, loving brothers sexy?"
I was visiting my boyfriend and his brother was also there for a few days. He was staying with him at the time. As I was preparing a few drinks for us, I suddenly felt my boyfriend's hand on my back and shoulder. He pulled me into the bedroom. I didn't even notice his brother. He threw me on the bed and out of nowhere his brother appeared next to me. My boyfriend asked me if I could imagine having sex with both of them. This had been a dream of mine for a long time. With my consent, his brother suddenly unwrapped his cock. They tied my hands to the bed and tortured me tenderly until they both came inside me. They took it in turns to lick me until I could no longer resist my desires. But they just didn't stop. It was so wonderful, so familiar. How can you not find two loving brothers hot?

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