Sex Club & Erotic Studio in Zofingen and surroundings

TOP 8 - Girls



Top8-Girls are unique!

Exclusively Swiss escort girls for private lifestyle dating.
Swiss teen ladies, models and hostesses use our escort service privately on the side to combine the pleasurable with the useful.
It corresponds to their own understanding of "no risk no fun" adventures in a safe and cultivated environment.
For his part, the gentleman of the world finds his individual, natural contact with the modern, open girl next door.
Above all, however, he appreciates real pleasure in the form of a personal, exciting and erotic lifestyle date.
Enjoy your life!

Top8-Option - the escort flat

Escort dates usually take place "outcall", i.e. as an invitation to your home or as a hotel visit.
In the course of online dating, rooms that can be rented by the hour have also established themselves in Switzerland as another location option.

Top8 girls also have another discreet option for their meetings.
The "Loft" is a private flat in the centre of Zofingen/AG.
Top8 girls can reserve and rent this fully equipped flat (incl. kitchen, lounge and whirlpool) exclusively for their "Incall" meetings.
Around 1km from Zofingen SBB railway station, the location has parking spaces and is accessible via a commercial entrance.
Please note that the loft is NOT an advertised club or business where the girls wait for "spontaneous walk-in customers".
As usual in private, dates with the girls must be arranged personally and well in advance.

🇨🇭 Top8-Girls 🇨🇭

Dates on request.

You can find out about our opening hours by contacting us.

We will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about our prices, our extras and escort services just write to us.

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078 420 47 46 ch gb de

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