Wet, wet, wet - The perfect blow job

Published on 21.03.2020 16:42

First of all, you don't need to have attended music school to become the perfect flute player. Sucking, sucking, licking, stroking and additional stimulation will catapult his wind instrument straight to seventh heaven.

The basics of the blowjob

When you get to the centre of his body, seek and maintain eye contact. Start by caressing his glans as if you were licking ice cream. He and his hard cock will love this gentle, moist and pleasantly warm tongue game. Suck on his glans and take it in your mouth. "Start sucking!" Loosen and tighten your lip grip alternately.
Pay a little more attention to the frenulum that connects the foreskin and glans. But please be careful with your teeth. If you touch it incorrectly, this can cause an unpleasant sensation for the man or quickly lead to an injury. If you keep an eye on his reaction, you will be grateful to see how much he likes it. Wrap your lips completely around his pleasure giver and glide up and down him. Make sure it's nice and wet. Don't be afraid to use a little more saliva. This will strengthen his erection more and more and make the glans look plumper. He will show you how horny he thinks it is.

You can double or even triple his pleasure by gently massaging his testicles with your hands and occasionally sucking on them. His perineum and anus are also erogenous zones. Occasionally touching his nipples, stroking his thighs and stomach area and using your hands a little on the shaft of his penis are variations that will make him even more ecstatic and give you some much-needed breathing space ... before you continue to suck on his cock with relish.

Variations for that special kick

Men get very excited when the entire length of his magnificent piece disappears completely into your mouth. How much depth you can tolerate and allow is entirely up to you. The oral practice known as deep throat clearly belongs to the supreme discipline of French pleasure. For some of you, the particularly deep shots of his member can lead to gag reflexes. With a little practice, however, you will quickly learn how much depth you can take.

You can add even more uniqueness to your blow job by alternating between hot and cold. A mint candy in your mouth will first give him a warm feeling, which is then suddenly followed by a cool, refreshing sensation.

Flavoured lube (nowadays even available for vegans), ice cubes, chocolate sauce, vanilla etc. are also very popular. There are also very good condoms with different flavours, and latex-free covers are also available for allergy sufferers.

Health aspects

If you don't like condoms at all when giving a blowjob, then at some point you will be faced with the question: "Swallow or spit?" ... unless you have agreed on the tangy finale outside of your mouth. Men like to fire their volleys over your upper body, on your tits, in your face or over your bum. The icing on the cake for most men is, of course, when they can spread their protein-rich milk juice in your mouth. What happens to the love juice is up to your imagination. Perhaps you simply spit it out. Or you swallow it? Called cum kisses, you keep the cum in your mouth while you kiss your partner.
"Swallow, spit or rub the juice over your tits!"

As great as a good blowjob can be and how wonderfully men relax during it - giving a blowjob without a condom is not safe for health. Studies have long given rise to the frightening assumption that there is a link between oral cavity cancer and oral sex. The human papillomavirus (HPV), which is found in the mucous membranes of the body and also in the oral cavity, plays the main role in this. Healthy people with an intact immune system can usually cope with these germs without any problems. Nevertheless, you should be careful and wear a condom! Experts suspect that the HP viruses hide in the mucous membrane and skin cells and can be activated during oral sex. Infection is possible at any time. HP viruses of types 16 and 18 are considered high-risk. In addition to cervical cancer, they can also cause mouth and throat cancer as well as penile cancer. In the penis, the virus usually colonises the glans and foreskin. It can cause genital warts and favour the development of penile cancer.

The HPV vaccination has been available for girls and boys for a number of years and should be given before the age of 14 if possible. But this probably doesn't help us adults who have been practising oral sex for a long time. Gum inflammation and gum pockets can also transmit bacteria and infectious diseases. Braces also harbour a risk that should not be underestimated. Also beware of herpes infections: The pathogens are transmitted from herpes blisters on the lips to the genitals or vice versa. It is better to refrain from oral practices for a while! After surgical procedures (root canal treatment, freshly placed implants, extracted teeth and the like), oral sex and even kissing is generally not recommended! There are numerous infections and disease risks - including during oral sex and blow jobs. Here is a list of sexually transmitted diseases, including those transmitted through oral sex:

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhoea (gonorrhoea)
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Herpes genitalis
  • HIV / AIDS
  • HPV / Papillomavirus
  • Syphilis
  • Trichimoniasis

It is best to use wafer-thin condoms with a realistic feel so that you can have fun without regret. In addition, always ensure thorough oral and dental hygiene as well as sufficient personal and intimate hygiene!

Please note that this article does not constitute health advice - if you have any questions about your health, please consult your doctor!

How to spoil your better half:

Fancy a hot blowjob or deep throat where your cock is sucked really hard again? Then take a look at our Ladies, TS/TV or Escorts category and use the region filter to make your search even quicker. Here are some sex adverts for you where you can get a hot blowjob:

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